Presentation Outline: Join us for a presentation on one of the American Iron and Steel Institutes latest design standards, the North American Standard for Seismic Design, AISI S400. The Standard addresses the design and construction of cold-formed steel structural members and connections used in the seismic force resisting systems (SFRS) in buildings and other structures.
During the presentation Rob Madsen will discuss the purpose and scope of this new standard and walk attendees through key definitions and the overall objectives of the document. The presentation will also introduce the Seismic Force Resisting Systems (SFRS) included in the document, and review a design example of strap wall bracing.
Webinar Materials
The day before the webinar, participants will have access to electronic versions of the following:
- Presenter’s notes
- Evaluation Form
- Attendance Form
Who Should Attend?
This webinar is for architects, engineers, building officials and contractors.
Webinar Materials
The day before the webinar, participants will have access to electronic versions of the following:
- Presenter’s notes
- Evaluation Form
- Attendance Form
Web-based seminar using "Go To Meeting" Technology.
1+ hour of lecture, followed by discussion and questions. (1.5 hours total).
$75 per computer screen for CFSEI and SFA members; $100 for non-members. Registrations must be received 48 hours prior to the webinar or a $20 late registration fee will be assessed.
Click here to register

Rob L. Madsen, P.E., is a senior engineer with Devco Engineering, Inc. in Enterprise, Oregon where he specializes in the design of cold-formed steel framing. He serves on the American Iron and Steel Institute’s Committee on Specifications and Committee on Framing standards; he currently chairs the Lateral Subcommittee. Mr. Madsen also serves as the chair of the Technical Review Committee of the Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (CFSEI) and received that organizations Distinguished Service Award in 2014.